Koolmill are an expanding, diverse and international team made up of experienced senior staff, non-executive directors and innovative driven engineers. As a growing SME company with a flat structure, we can adapt and pivot rapidly to respond to events and opportunities. We are led by...
Koolmill is led by a an extremely skilled, innovative, gender and culturally diverse Senior Team.

" Flexible hours and team work are what makes Koolmill a great place to work for me. Personal development training keeps us a strong and united team."
Dan Zhao, Senior Systems Engineer
" Over the years, Koolmill has given me the opportunity to expand my knowledge to lead Koolmill engineering product development and system management worldwide."
Abhishek Mishra, Senior Mechanical Engineer

Koolmill is closely advised by an extremely knowledgeable, varied and skilled Board of Advisors. They have developed a wealth of experience regarding digitization, manufacturing and operational excellence while occupying senior roles at global companies such as Buhler, BMW and BAE Systems . Their excellence will help to propel Koolmill towards becoming a Top 10 Supplier of Rice Processing Machinery Globally.