By replacing antiquated milling machinery, Koolmill offers up to 90% power savings, decreased downtime through pre-emptive and proactive monitoring and thus increased profitability to SME mills. This paradigm shift in technology is affordable and will be available to all SME millers regardless of capacity, location or gender.
With access to modern, high performance, data driven equipment, SME millers can extract the full value from available resources. The revolutionary F1-Series Milling Machine can turn raw paddy, from a low-value, tradeable commodity to a premium, value added, sustainably packaged product.
Koolmill offers a disruptive milling solution, with no supporting equipment and zero net broken (damaged) rice. Koolmill’s ‘rice mill in a box’ can replace existing machinery, freeing space to allow for an increased capacity or be universally integrated within a commercial mill improving reliability and performance

Koolmill technology leads the world in delivering a modern, ultra low power, simplified and sustainable approach to cereal milling. Our vision is to transform a globally significant industry, move it to a sustainable future and lift millions from poverty.
Many people live daily with food and fuel poverty and for 3.3 billion people, rice is life. Traditional rice milling is both wasteful and power hungry. Koolmill has developed a truly innovative milling process, a radical superefficient displacement technology that will make a positive impact on the lives of many.
Koolmill is a step change that delivers powers savings of up to 90% and maximises the return of food from a valuable resource by avoiding wasted rice and power. The low power simpler Koolmill process brings, for the first time, potentially zero emission state of the art milling to all millers regardless of size and location.
Strategic Partners
Awards Won

Koolmill has received global recognition multiple times for its advances in rice milling technology.
Notably, Koolmill were named as joint winner of the UKTI sponsored Great British Product Award, beating world-renowned companies such as McLaren to the top spot. They are also named exemplars in the Manufacturer Top 100.
More recently, Koolmill has consistently been ranked in the IP100, an annual ranking of a companies IP asset strengths and their track record of exploiting IP. This year Koolmill placed 4th in the patents category, showing we are primed to further commercialise our innovative technology.
As well as this, one of the newly hired graduates was nominated and selected as Young Pioneer on the Manufacturer Top 100 List. Koolmill is building a young, driven, culturally and gender diverse team to propel Koolmill towards being a Global Top 10 Supplier to the rice milling industry by 2028.


Contact Us
+44 207 099 4199